White Devil Podcast – Main Page

WhiteDevilPodcastWhite Devil Podcast is my own little podcast where I discuss whatever interests me. Each podcast features guests with some background in the topic I’m discussing and the idea is to have as much fun with it as possible while also hopefully having a somewhat intelligent discussion as well. Below I have a list of prior episodes as well as questions answered for anything common related to the podcast.

Long time guest RetroKaiser serves as the official co-host of the podcast. In his absense, the official stand-in co-host is Darabka (a.k.a. The Gaming Beast).

We do two types of casts the normal White Devil Podcasts and the White Devil Minicasts!



White Devil Podcast has changed a lot in the last two years. Apart from general chit-chat about projects we have a fairly concise group of topics which we endeavour to go through in about 1-2 hours.

In earlier episodes we tended to follow the a 3-round structure of Intros, Discussion and an audience Q&A, with the White Devil Match Game intercut into the episode (we also did a whole episode that was all Match Game). The Q&A has been less promimently featured in recent podcasts due to their increasingly off-the-cuff nature but may still make a comeback (see FAQ below).



The Minicasts are a more simplified and streamlined podcasts where we aim for a length of 1 hour or less (but might go over). We dispense with introductions and advertising for future projects if we feel like it. Minicasts may be hosted by just me but Retrokaiser usually joins in.

The Minicasts have their own numbers but are still counted as full WDP episodes.


