Quick Review Key for Game Reviews (2023)

(Notes on the old key can be found at the bottom)


1-2½If the gameplay has some obvious flaws, it will be reflected in the over-all score.
3-3½This score indicates that the gameplay is decent but doesn’t feature anything outstanding. Also, if the gameplay isn’t particularly fun, this might lead to a 3 score. Fun but pointless gimmicks may get ½ point, but it’s usually reserved if the game isn’t quite good enough to deserve a 4.
4-5The gameplay is extremely enjoyable. There’s a fun factor considered for this one.

Please note that for Graphics, Animation, Music and Sound I do consider the platform the game was originally created for.


1-2½The graphics are either distracting or poorly executed for the platform. Game shows a lack of effort either due to laclustre detail or poor use of the graphic capabilites of the system.
3The graphics are perfectly adequate but not exceptional.
The graphics show a lot of promise (for instance some variety) but are not quite good enough for a 4.
The graphics show variety and utilise the hardware well.


Note that this is for both in-game animation and cutscenes.

1-2½There is either a lack of animation frames, the animations look awkward or the cutscenes are distracting/boring to watch.
3The animation work is perfectly adequate but not exceptional.
Additional flourishes may recieve ½ a point or the animation is borderlining on a 4.
4-5The in-game animations are fluid and detailed. Cutscene animations are entertaining and add to the atmosphere of the game.


1-2½There is either a lack of music or the music is so poorly produced that it distracts you from the gameplay.
3The music is appropriate for the game’s setting and non-distracting, but also there’s nothing exceptional about it.
The music has good production quality and fits the setting well.
4-5To get the top grade, I have to be able to name multiple favourite tracks from the soundtrack.


1-2½There is either a lack of sound-effects, they’re poorly produced/programmed or they actually distract from the game. If a game has voice-acting, it’s been poorly implemented.
3The audio department is absolutely adequate but there’s nothing outstanding about it. If a game has voice-acting, it’s appropriate but not outstanding.
The audio design is robust and greatly adds to the game’s atmosphere. If a game has voice-acting, I feel the casting and acting are appropriate but there are no definitive highlights. Normally though, there’s at least two voices in the cast I really enjoy.
4-5The audio design is robust and greatly adds to the game’s atmosphere. If the game has voice-acting, I feel the acting is integral to enjoying the game.


The Plot score is only given to games with a storyline. However, I have elected to not give it to certain specific games like Platformers and Survival Horror games, as the story in these games tends to be poor on the count of it being merely a premise for the game (and drags down the final score unreasonably).

1-2½The story is either badly focused, uninteresting or just disconnected from the actual game.
3-3½The plot is decent and keeps the player motivated. However, there might be sections in the game where the story is put on the backburner or is just irrelevant.
4-5For the game to get these ratings the story has to keep me invested through the whole game and preferably the game has a pretty rich lore to back it up.

Replay Value (a.k.a. Fun Factor):

The Replay value score used to be based on actual replayable content, but these days I tend to use it as a gauge for ”fun factor”: Basically, how readily will I come back to the game. This grade can be quite fluid which is why you typically see a ½ point added as many games will be on the borderline. Adventure Games were originally not given this rating due to the rationales in the old key, but that might be changed in the future.

1The game is not enjoyable, even if it has some other positive attributes
2The game can be enjoyable to a degree but is too badly made to provide sustained enjoyment.
3The game is adequate in most of its areas and perfectly enjoyable. However, it doesn’t really have any special charm or staying power.
4Not an all-time classic, but very entertaining and worth it 9 days out of 10.
5I have no reservations about playing the game at any time.

The Difficulty rating is not numerical but instead verbal and is designed to give a general idea about the challenge of the game. However, it’s been applied very inconsistently throughtout the blog’s history.

The old Review Key can be found here! Note that several of my older reviews will have different review scores than they used to. I used to host a full list of them online, but I don’t anymore since updating them was a pain in the ass. I will keep old review scores around for posterity on this blog but don’t be confused if a summary of a review shows slightly different numbers than what’s in the old post.