My top-5 entries from Eurovision 2024

This year’s Eurovision Song Contest was unfortunately marred by controversy from start to finish. From Israel’s participation to backstage drama up to even illegal threats that saw one contestant disqualified from the competition altogether.

I say unfortunately, because I was otherwise pleased with many of the entries in this year’s competition. I haven’t written about Eurovision in a long while because I’ve just enjoyed following the proceedings and don’t really feel the need to throw in my 2 stupid cents. I was just very pleased when the competition came back after Covid, despite how boring the past few years leading up 2020 had been.

Additionally, just because I want to present something positive about this year’s competition – I decided that I’d just spare a few words for my favourite songs/performances in the competition.

#5. Estonia (I know nothing about these drugs)

As a Finn, I always love when Estonia enters the competition with their own language. This year’s entry was a bit too fast for me to follow but I love that our neighbours to the South weren’t afraid to do their own style of comedy (as did Finland as well).

Unfortunately, as much as I love the beat, the ethnic instruments and the comedic intent – I can see why this song fared so badly in the final. It seems no-one appreciated Estonia’s sense of humour which is a shame. Can’t say this year’s competition was short on energetic songs but I do wish this one would have received more love.

Yeah, the subject matter is juvenile but so is the song which is partly why I loved it so much.

#4. Armenia (Jako by Lanadiva)

Speaking of ethnic flair, Armenia really tickled my fancy. Just straight up ethnic instruments and singing in a language other than English. This song just really stood out so well and was just a joy to stop to listen among all the Eurovision pap we’re used to.

That flute solo especially is cute and I also just loved how into it the audience was at the Grand Final. Finally, the lead singer (Jaklin Baghdasaryan) really nailed the vocals.

#3. Austria (We Will Rave by Kaleen)

Speaking of Eurovision Pap, there was a decent amount of it especially in the second Semi-Final. Austria’s song isn’t anything special by itself but it really intentionally tugged on nostalgia strings. The song used every clichéd techno sound from the 90s and it instantly threw me back to the electronic music explosion of that decade.

Also, I kinda just love the chorus repetitions. This song has a lot in common with the first two entries in that it’s not done entirely seriously yet still goes hard. This was another unfortunate underperformer in the Grand Final but I definitely had a good time with it.

#2. Croatia (Rim Tim Tagi Dim by Baby Lasagna)

Croatia was the biggest surprise for me in the entire competition. Baby Lasagna was my personal favourite in the first Semi-Final but I still couldn’t predict that Croatia would basically march ahead to their best ever result in the competition on the back of this. I liked it just for the silly mix of metal and electro music but yeah this song rocks.

Also, I just love the name and the chorus is, of course, complete gibberish. Again, like Austria’s entry, I just love how hard it goes. I teetered on whether this was my third or second favourite but now that I think about it, this song has really been stuck in my head the hardest. XD

Rim Tim Tagi Dim definitely would have deserved the win but I’m sure Baby Lasagna is still pleased to have had such a great result regardless.

#1. Norway (Ulveham by Gåte)

These days I don’t take Eurovision so seriously and try not to judge performances too much based on musical prowess. But damn did Norway ever bring it.

This song hits so hard and has such a great build-up. Honestly, I’m shocked at how bad it did in the contest, but at the same time Gåte was maybe not built for ESC.

My favourite part really is the final chorus where the vocals and the instruments go completely off the rails. This song just legitimately rocks. The chorus is not even so much a song, just pure music.

This was easily my favourite of the whole competition. Just kick ass in all the right ways.

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