My Top-5 Snix Flix!

SnixJust recently James Rolfe, better known as the Angry Video Game Nerd, posted his classic home horror movie series Snix at his home page Cinemassacre. I really enjoyed these films and wanted to share with you what I thought were the best and funniest of the Snix flix. Seeing as this is a Top-5, I’m excluding one film. I concurred with James’ own assessment of his films that The Banishing of the Evil Spirit of Snix was really more of a clip show celebrating the series than anything else. Indeed, it was the weakest film for over-all entertainment quality but a nice film to see at the end of the series.

I’d also like th stress that although I’m putting these in order from best to worst, like James noted, they should be viewed in order. At any rate, these were the best Snix flicks in my view…

  1. The Rotten Corpse of Snix – The fourth film was in my view easily the best. Bringing in the Snix costume and making James have an actual confrontation with Snix was awesome. Not only that, Xins is finally played by an actor rather than just James making a creepy voice while zoomed into images from a children’s story book like before. Also, this one had easily the best finale of the series.
  2. SnixI really found the original first film to be extremely entertaining. The 13-year-old James Rolfe already shows off a lot of his signature facial expressions and the film flows surprisingly well considering its slip-shotty nature. Here the mistakes feel endearing rather than distracting and the choppiness of the dialogue is also excusable, it’s made by a bunch of kids after all.
  3. Snix Again!Snix Again, the third film, feels almost like Snix the Return all over again but much better. James gets major cred for the opening made with Mario Paint and for that very first scene of running through the forest with Maya’s theme from Killer Instinct: Gold playing in the background. Generally speaking, I think the quality of the franchise leaped immensely with this one. However, the finale was a bit weak with Snix’s mask just getting flushed down the toilet.
  4. The Possessed Mask of SnixJames Rolfe goes solo in the fifth instalment of the series. While there are no actors for him to play off of, James does a really good job just battling Snix by himself. It’s a little weak on the finish though and, just like The Banishing of the Evil Spirit of Snix, feels a bit more like an appendix than its own movie. However, still a good watch and more entertaining in my view than the second film.
  5. Snix the ReturnAlthough production wise the second Snix flick is much better than the first, I don’t think the same is true for the entertainment value. The first movie was sloppy but only because the people in it only had no clue of what they were doing. In the second film, James and company are clearly trying hard but the lack of experience makes this one feel a little more drawn out, especially during the Mask disappearing/reappearing scene. Some good scuffles, but this one wasn’t as funny or watchable as the rest of the films in my view.

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